Mixed Media starts passionate discussions about art and culture through its flagship live-streamed podcast. Hosts Irving Nestor, Nathan Nestor and Ben Costello deliver unique and often contrarian perspectives regarding art-- especially in Film, Gaming and Music respectively. Guest hosts sometimes join as well to offer their own takes on their artform. The goal: to create dialogue strong in voice but open in character-- because behind every lively medium there must be lively discussion.

Friday Oct 08, 2021
Why Hitchcock‘s ”The Birds” has no music | 029
Friday Oct 08, 2021
Friday Oct 08, 2021
Filmmaker Irving Nestor discusses an odd musical choice Hitchcock made in the making of The Birds and his opinion on its impact on the film.
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Cool. Luckily, my segment's going to
be really quick, very unstructured.
Oh, this is the end.
I didn't I forgot.
I just got a lot
of revenues lost.
Now, I'm going to be very quick,
because I really just have like a
like a big question mark
when it comes to my topic.
So I'm going to read introduce the
the podcast real quick.
So welcome back to Mixed Media.
We just heard from Ben and Nathan
about the respective topics.
Go back to our podcast list.
We have playlists on YouTube.
We have our different platforms
on all the streaming platforms. You
can possibly think of all the ones
that have been trashed, probably.
But yeah, if you're
listening on Spotify,
you should have a guilty conscience.
I'm just kidding.
But yeah, you should
you should listen to those things,
because I think both of those
were extremely important talks.
And what I'm about to talk about
are just random thoughts
on one particular film.
So if you're looking for the most
meaningful discussion,
definitely listen to the last
two episodes from this week.
But today, I will be
talking about the Birds
and the Birds, a film
by Alfred Alfred Hitchcock.
Then did you end up
watching any Hitchcock lately or.
I watch every watched
North by Northwest.
I have not seen the birds.
Or you're just out of curiosity.
I want to know what you thought
about it afterwards.
I think it's a really great film.
You can see how it like
impacts influences James Bond.
But but it's a different kind
of sonic world, too.
It's kind of cool because I'm going
to be playing some Bernard
Bernard Herrmann concert,
and that's next Tuesday.
And we're doing Duran North
by Northwest as part of that.
So it's kind of cool to play that,
to play that, too,
after watching to watching it.
Now, it's an interesting it's
an interesting film.
And like basically, I don't know, it
just it's like it's fun to watch.
Yeah. And as a sneak peek
into a future episode
that I'll probably do,
that requires me to do research
and maybe even read
a book or find out
if I'll put that much effort
into a podcast episode.
But I'm just personally curious
because I like films.
So, you know, I might
just do this for fun
and then just relay
back what I learned.
But fun fact about north by northwest
is it might be somewhat
factually based.
There's some interesting stuff.
I remember I watched the film
and I saw Central
Intelligence Agency
appear on the screen
and I lost my mind
because I was like, huh?
I had literally just
learned about it.
I've had it read and like listening
to the interesting things
about the CIA's infiltration
of Hollywood, which kind of tied,
interestingly, back
into what Ben was talking about
with music and what I saw.
I didn't expect that
because I didn't know
and I knew nothing
about north by northwest
when I went into it,
which is how I like to watch films.
I just put it on, you know,
and I was like, huh?
I think this might be
one of those films that the CIA
enjoyed because of how fun
it was of a portrayal
of what is actually a reality,
which is an interesting thing.
But anyway, that's for a that's
that's for a different episode.
This episode, I'm
going to talk about the birds.
So I Alfred Hitchcock is kind
of an interesting director for me
because I feel like,
well, I've watched four of his four
or five of his films at this point.
I only have one film left
in my little library to to enjoy
all physical copies. By the way,
I think I will when I understand,
I feel like I understand
him a lot better,
because I had heard
a lot from his words,
his quotes, and like, you know,
what people have learned from him.
But I hadn't actually
watched him write, which
is a completely different thing.
And I feel like I clicked with a lot
more than I expected to.
I clicked a lot more
with the writing,
I think, than I expected to,
because I think that is underrated
part of a lot of his stuff,
although north by northwest
is probably a weaker example of that.
The that my favorites
are definitely psycho
and Vertigo are just tremendous films
to me in a different category
than the rest of the films I watched.
But even The Birds, The Birds is a
sort of thriller or horror thing.
And it's I mean,
I hope I forget to put the tail up
the bears theriault, as you can see,
for those who you watching on video
or on podcast, this will be
the episode Art.
We've got a poor woman
being attacked by birds.
This is this is the plot.
This is what happens in this film.
Fairly simple concept.
It's apparently based
off of a book, although
my understanding is that it's
I mean, it was inspired by a book.
The script is written
based off the book.
Then eventually it just,
um, the the actual
relation to the book just collapsed.
And they just retain the name of
the books in the script. It's funny.
It's an interesting film in the sense
that it has a very simple concept
and it's trying to do a lot,
technically speaking, for its time,
you know, in terms of special effects
and all this other stuff.
And it seems like an experiment,
a lot of different things,
one of which is the music of which
and this is our Bensley,
pretty much of which there is none.
There is no music.
Like when I say none,
I mean, there's not a single
note of music in this film.
And I think that
was an egregious error.
I think it was such a strange feeling
I was watching, I was like.
It's just something the pace
something is just,
you know, I realized
there wasn't music, but I was like,
but that can't just be
the only reason that
this just feels completely wrong.
I've watched plenty of films
with no music in it
or a very sparse or spare music.
And, you know, those films
feel like they're
they're designed to that way. Right.
You know, maybe they still
would have been better with music.
You can make the argument
depending on the film.
But, you know, largely speaking,
it still feels like
the choice was more deliberate.
Whereas here it just feels
kind of flippant, like for no reason.
He just decided not to put music
in this film, whereas in the other
films, he has plenty
and plenty of music.
So I found that strange.
So I looked it up.
And I want to know why
you didn't put music in.
Apparently, it's exactly what I said.
It was an experiment.
You just want to know
what would happen,
which kind of goes into like this
whole, you know, discussion about
experimenting and stuff like that,
like, OK, that's interesting.
So he's trying to get samples like
watch the movie without the music.
And this is not a
good idea inside of music.
No, it's easy. They have music,
but like maybe possible, you know.
So some people I notice in reviews,
like I've noticed a few reviews
and letter box and a few analyzes
elsewhere where people
will say that the lack of music
makes it more creepy.
I don't know if I actually
agree with that.
I mean, Alfred Hitchcock's
like whole like thing is terror.
Right. Like this tension.
And there's other films.
There's plenty of music
and there's plenty
like plenty of tension, you know.
I mean, if you watch Psycho,
that thing is like,
you know, for forever
being what it is.
It's a kind of a white knuckle film.
You know, Vertigo has sections
that are just, you know,
worse than worse in terms of tension
and how much you're being pulled
sucked into the film
then, like, you know, a spy
thriller or something.
It's just so intense.
You know, it's bizarre because people
will say this makes it feel creepy.
And I just don't see why.
And I would like to understand better
why people think
that I'm not dismissing it.
I just want to understand why,
because for me, it just felt empty.
And I think one of the
biggest differences
between this and other films
that have not as much music
is this one soundscape in general
does not feel like it's
telling a story like
not just the music,
but the entire soundscape
doesn't feel like
it's telling its own story.
You know, when you're
when you're a filmmaker,
you're very multiport
So every tool you've got
and even the act of choosing
not to use the tool. Right.
Is an act of trying to tell a story.
And so I want all those decisions
to feel deliberate.
You know, that's one of my critiques
about like Marvel Marvel movies
with their cinematography. Right.
It's very sterile and,
you know, expository. Right.
It's effective for getting the gist
of of for most films. Right.
The gist of the action.
Right. It's not really
it's not really as purposeful.
Well, most of that's because
it's not even practical
to make a Marvel movie that way.
I mean, it's already
insanely bloated as it is.
I can't imagine trying to do
some very creative shots
in the middle of the production
schedule, which, you know, whatever,
that that's just the casualty
in the Marvel franchise.
Elsewhere, though,
you know, like, you know, in
the Hitchcock is cinematography
is extremely deliberate,
is dialog extremely,
extremely deliberate,
is a story structure
extremely deliberate.
Everything super deliberate.
Most of the time.
And then with the birds,
he just throws out the music
and it just feels flippant.
Right. At least to me.
So I would like to know
any Hitchcock fans out there.
I would like to know.
But in the comments
or you can send us an email,
mixed media podcast, that Outlook dot
com or join our discord or wherever
and just tell me
what you think about the birds,
because I think it actually has a
more polarized reception than people
give it credit, because it's kind of
in the Hitchcock canon,
because Hitchcock
made a billion everyone films.
But there are certain films
that are like, you know,
Zio Hitchcock films,
and The Birds is one of them.
And I'm not sure that it's actually
as universally loved in the way
that his other films are loved,
just by reading reviews
and like looking at what people say.
It seems as though people like this
for its classic nature
more than they do for it's like,
you know, like how it holds up.
You know, even today,
it's like more of like
this is a interesting film
in cinema's history. Right?
This kind of goes into
like you're reading philosophy
because some people include impact
into the wider, you know,
to the wider field.
That's something
that's important to them.
When they you know, when they assess
how much they like something. Right.
How much they want to praise it.
And I can understand that
because this film. Made in insanely.
I mean, when I say insanely,
I mean probably immorally.
I mean, they literally had.
Tons of birds on
set trained to attack people.
They put food in people's hair
and other parts of their clothing
so that the birds would attack
the actors literally.
I mean, they were trained
that they didn't hurt them,
but people still got hurt,
is my understanding.
So is this an insanely made film?
And a lot of those scenes
with with the birds and the bird
attacks are extraordinarily
has that Hitchcock tension over it
for being such a simple concept.
You get some really, you know,
jarring and exciting moments.
But I think I just was like,
you know, overall,
I think the film
was better than average
and that kind of , you know, hate
on the film or anything like that.
I don't hate it at all.
It's more like I think
this story could have been
not just slightly above average.
I think it could have been up there
with his average works.
Right. If there was music.
And I think Bernard does his music
for all of all of his like
big films or something like that.
I think every film
that I'm aware of of his big films.
Yeah. Yeah. And I think,
you know, there's
I think when I was listening to when
I was watching Psycho in particular,
I was noticing a lot more of that
sort of like Mickey Mouse thing
that you're talking that you were
talking about in prior episodes.
This is why I love this podcast.
I learn things and then I apply them
when I watch things.
So that's awesome.
It was good. It's still good.
There's nothing wrong with it.
You know, like it was excellent.
You know, not only excellent,
but it filled the spaces
in a way that the film
it told its own story .
The music told its own story
alongside the story.
So, yeah, I just thought it was
bizarre and I think it was
a failed experiment.
I found, interestingly enough,
I put a link on there, just scored
someone who attempted
to score the film if it had a score.
And of course, this person didn't
have an orchestra play their score
or anything like that.
It's all electronic.
But if you imagine past that,
you know, if you imagine what
this person put together past them,
you know, I don't think it was like,
you know, anything insane.
It just was better already
just because it was there, you know,
and like these scenes were like
the two main characters who have this
like love tension thing going on.
This, you know, this will
she won't she will
he won't he kind of dynamic going on.
It's just so weird in those scenes
where they're staring at each other
and you get these long cuts
to just not hear anything.
That sounds like
it comes from their hearts.
It's a strange like it doesn't feel
right and just strange to you because
it's such a such a strong love themes
in his other Hitchcock films.
Yeah. No, exactly. Very odd.
And you know, all you're hearing,
she's paddling across the ocean
and all you're hearing
is like the sparks,
like the soundscape
is not even fully developed,
which I'm not even sure
I can say that's a technical problem.
I just I just don't get it. Yeah.
But the whole soundscape
is kind of sparse.
So all you're hearing is like the
kerplunk of her her or is go through.
She's looking across the the bay
and he sees her man
or future man across the
the the the bay.
And it's shot beautifully.
The film looks gorgeous, like,
you know, like the landscape,
at least the way it was reproduced in
my copy was pretty freaking gorgeous.
It was very painterly.
Part of that's because
they actually use matte paintings
for set extensions,
but it blends seamlessly.
You know, you get these
longing like close ups back and forth
and you're hearing
just kerplunk, kerplunk, kerplunk.
It's just kind of takes
you out of the the vibe.
If you could hear the
the the the water moving
and maybe the Russel's of
maybe if the soundscape could tell
the story better, even if you didn't
want to use music. Right.
If the environment could tell you
the story of their love
or their potential thing
that's going on, there's
this tension there. Right.
And at least that would help.
But it's just kind
of empty. It's like,
OK. And scenes that have no terror.
Right. The scenes literally
just about this relationship.
Why on earth would
you want to make it sparse?
I don't want to be creeped out
in this moment deciding
what is going for. Right.
So, yeah, it's kind of strange.
So anyway, that's my that's my topic.
TAGS: mixed media podcast,mixed media,podcast,art podcast,film podcast,movie podcast,filmmaker reacts,irving nestor,ben costello,video editor reacts,nathan nestor,hitchcock the birds,alfred hitchcock the birds,movies without film score,the birds film review,alfred hitchcock,the birds review,film review,movie review,tippi hedren the birds,movie reaction,classic movies,hitchcock classic movies,alfred hitchcock classics,alfred hitchcock classic movies
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